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Extending APIs

Introduction: Agora-cl API and Beacon API

Since Day 1 of the project Agora-cl has been using gRPC as the API layer for inter-process communication. As an example, all requests from the validator to the Agora node are conducted via gRPC. This technology helped us greatly to make sure our Ethereum client has a well-defined set of APIs, and that we don't introduce backwards incompatibility across versions of Agora-cl.

As time went on, users started asking if it would be possible to have a JSON-over-HTTP API, which users could query for information about the Agora node, the network state etc. Fortunately it is easy to expose HTTP endpoints for gRPC methods using the grpc-gateway library. This gave birth to a Agora-cl-specific set of APIs, which we will call the Agora-cl API.

At some point Ethereum researchers, in cooperation with client developer, decided it would be a good idea to have a standard set of HTTP APIs across the whole network. This led to the official Beacon API specification, which we will call the Beacon API.

Part 1: Extending protocol buffers and gRPC

Extending both the Agora-cl API and the Beacon API requires following the same steps with regards to protocol buffers and gRPC functions. The only difference is that all Agora-cl API code lives in agora-cl folders and Beacon API code lives in eth folders.

We will now step through the process of creating a new exemplary API endpoint inside the Agora-cl API.

Step 1: Create protocol buffer messages

Navigate to and create a new file called example_messages.proto with the following content:

syntax = "proto3";

package ethereum.eth.v1alpha1;

option go_package = ";eth";

message ExampleRequest {
string s = 1;
uint64 i = 2;

message ExampleResponse {
bool b = 1;

Here we defined two messages: ExampleRequest which we will use as the input to our gRPC function, and ExampleResponse which we will use as the output.

Step 2: Create a protocol buffer service interface

Create a new file called example_service.proto next to example_messages.proto with the following content:

syntax = "proto3";

package ethereum.eth.v1alpha1;

import "proto/agora-cl/v1alpha1/example_messages.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";

option go_package = ";eth";

service ExampleService {
rpc ExampleFunction(ExampleRequest) returns (ExampleResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/eth/v1alpha1/example/example"

Here we define our ExampleService interface and one function definition. It will accept and return the previously defined messages and be available through the HTTP /eth/v1alpha1/example/example endpoint.

Step 3: Generate gRPC code

So far we only have protocol buffer definitions for a service and for messages, but we don't have any Go code to back up these definitions. Generating everything we need is very easy. The only thing that we have to do is to run one script. Before we do that, though, we need to update the BUILD.bazel file next to our new proto files. Open the bazel file and add the following items to the srcs array of the proto_library rule:


Now it's time to run the script mentioned before. Assuming we are in Agora-cl's top-level directory on a Linux system, we issue the following command:


At the end of the output we will see all generated files. Among them should be the following:


pb.go files is the basic gRPC layer and files are generated by the grpc-gateway library to provide HTTP capabilities to our functions.

Step 4: Implement the generated interface

Files generated in Step 3 provide all necessary building blocks to write client-side or server-side gRPC functions. In our case the interfaces to implement contain only one function, ExampleFunction. For example, the server-side interface looks as follows:

type ExampleServiceServer interface {
ExampleFunction(context.Context, *ExampleRequest) (*ExampleResponse, error)

Any type implementing this interface will automatically be able to receive gRPC and HTTP requests. See this document for an explanation on how to use the API.

Beacon API must follow the official specification, for which the above steps, although necessary, are not enough. We must introduce another key component: the API Middleware.

Part 2: API Middleware


Unfortunately grpc-gateway is not extensible enough to allow implementing the Beacon API spec in its entirety. For that reason we built a piece of software called the API Middleware, which is a proxy between an HTTP client and grpc-gateway. The proxy has complete control over the request/response lifecycle and can therefore provide functionality to satisfy both HTTP REST as well as gRPC.

Using the middleware

The Endpoint

The central point of the library is the Endpoint struct. It represents a single HTTP endpoint that is supported by the proxy, meaning that requests to this endpoint will be routed through the middleware.

// Endpoint is a representation of an API HTTP endpoint that should be proxied by the middleware.
type Endpoint struct {
Path string // The path of the HTTP endpoint.
GetResponse interface{} // The struct corresponding to the JSON structure used in a GET response.
PostRequest interface{} // The struct corresponding to the JSON structure used in a POST request.
PostResponse interface{} // The struct corresponding to the JSON structure used in a POST response.
DeleteRequest interface{} // The struct corresponding to the JSON structure used in a DELETE request.
DeleteResponse interface{} // The struct corresponding to the JSON structure used in a DELETE response.
RequestURLLiterals []string // Names of URL parameters that should not be base64-encoded.
RequestQueryParams []QueryParam // Query parameters of the request.
Err ErrorJson // The struct corresponding to the error that should be returned in case of a request failure.
Hooks HookCollection // A collection of functions that can be invoked at various stages of the request/response cycle.
CustomHandlers []CustomHandler // Functions that will be executed instead of the default request/response behaviour.

We will get back to the details of this struct later, but let's first take a look at the EndpointFactory interface.

// EndpointFactory is responsible for creating new instances of Endpoint values.
type EndpointFactory interface {
Create(path string) (*Endpoint, error)
Paths() []string
IsNil() bool

As the name implies, this is where Endpoints come from. If you want to register an API endpoint, you firstly need to have a factory implementation. In Agora-cl we already have this interface satisfied by the BeaconEndpointFactory struct. We will skip IsNil in this text because it's not related to the middleware per se.

type BeaconEndpointFactory struct {

func (f *BeaconEndpointFactory) Paths() []string {
// some code here

func (f *BeaconEndpointFactory) Create(path string) (*apimiddleware.Endpoint, error) {
// some code here

This factory will allow us to implement a new Agora node API endpoint. Let's say the Beacon API defines this endpoint:

Description: Returns random data based on block root and optional nonce Method: GET URL: /eth/v1/beacon/random/{block_id} Query parameters: nonce (uint) Example request: /eth/v1/beacon/random/0xcf8e0d4e9587369b2301d0790347320302cc0943d5a1884560367e8208d920f2?nonce=123456

Response fields: A (hex string, 4 bytes), B (string) Example response: { "A": "0x23456789", "B": "345678" }

We will also assume that we have already created protocol buffer definitions for the request and the response.

message RandomRequest {
bytes block_id = 1;
uint64 nonce = 2;

message RandomResponse {
bytes a = 1;
uint64 b = 2;

Armed with this knowledge, let's think how our Endpoint should look like step by step:

  • Path - This is obvious. The path is /eth/v1/beacon/random/{block_id}. We must not include query parameters in the path.
  • GetResponse- This is a GET request with a response JSON, so we obviously need some representation of the response. So far we don't have anything suitable to put in this field.
  • PostRequest - It's not a POST request, so we don't care about this field.
  • PostResponse - Again, it's not a POST request. We can skip this.
  • RequestURLLiterals - Let's stop here for a minute. Do we have any URL parameters that we should not encode into base64? We have one parameter called {block_id}, and the example request tells us that it needs to be a hex string. gRPC expects base64-encoded data for each bytes field, which means our parameter should not be passed literally. This leads us to the conclusion that we don't need this field.
  • RequestQueryParams - We have one query parameter called nonce, therefore we will need to use this field when preparing our endpoint.
  • Err - The API specification does not tell us to return any custom errors, so we will use a default one, which is provided by the library.
  • Hooks - For the sake of this example, let's say that our gRPC method returns a 32-byte long value for A, but we need only the first 4 bytes. This will require custom logic and we will use a hook to match our needs.
  • CustomHandlers - We don't want to overwrite the whole request-response logic with our custom code. We leave this field alone.

Registering our endpoint

The first thing that has to be done for every endpoint is to add its path to the array inside the factory's Paths method. This is very straightforward.

return []string{
// all other endpoints

Once we have our path registered, we need to tell our factory what Endpoint to return once we hit this path in our proxy middleware. We add a new case statement at the bottom of the factory's Create method.

case "/eth/v1/beacon/random/{block_id}":

We don't bother with setting the Path and Err fields because the path is filled out automatically at the bottom of Create and the default error is present in the default Endpoint (at the very top of Create a default Endpoint is created, so we only need to amend it). We therefore start with GetResponse. Next to the factory file we have a structs.go file with a lot of structs defined for already existing endpoints. We add a JSON representation of our response.

type randomResponseJson struct {
A string `json:"a" hex:"true"`
B string `json:"b"`

Note the hex:"true" struct tag. This tells the middleware that a JSON field is a hex string, so that it can transform it between hex and base64. This allows us to use both representations in one request, satisfying both the HTTP specification and the gRPC requirements.

Once we have our struct defined, we can use it inside the case statement.

case "/eth/v1/beacon/random/{block_id}":
endpoint.GetResponse = &randomResponseJson{}

Now it's time for RequestQueryParams. Looking at already existing endpoints, it's not hard to figure out what has to be done here.

case "/eth/v1/beacon/random/{block_id}":
endpoint.GetResponse = &randomResponseJson{}
endpoint.RequestQueryParams = []apimiddleware.QueryParam{{Name: "nonce"}}

At this point we can execute the example request /eth/v1/beacon/random/0xcf8e0d4e9587369b2301d0790347320302cc0943d5a1884560367e8208d920f2?nonce=123456 and we will get a response. Our new endpoint is working!

Custom logic

There is one more thing we need to do before we can call it a day. The specification says that the field A must consist of exactly 4 bytes, but grpc-gateway passes 32 bytes into our proxy middleware. To handle this we firstly need to identify which part of the handleApiPath function in api_middleware.go would need to be changed to fit our needs. After some inspection we come to the conclusion that it's SerializeMiddlewareResponseIntoJson because this is where the grpc-gateway's response is transformed into the JSON sent to the HTTP client. We need to somehow inject our code before the response gets transformed: fetch the response, replace the contents of A by removing everything except the first 4 bytes, and transform it into JSON as usual.

Let's inspect the HookCollection type, which is a part of the Endpoint definition. We see it contains a function field called OnPreSerializeMiddlewareResponseIntoJson, which is exactly what we need. We need to write a function that satisfies the field's signature and implements the required logic. Notice the RunDefault return parameter. It tells the middleware whether it should still execute the default code after the Pre function completes. In our case we don't have to serialize the response into JSON ourselves, so we want to set this value to true upon successfully returning from the function.

All in all, prepareA can look something like below (the second return value can be used when we don't want to run the default; we can return the JSON directly from here).

func prepareA(response interface{}) (apimiddleware.RunDefault, []byte, apimiddleware.ErrorJson) (apimiddleware.RunDefault, []byte, apimiddleware.ErrorJson) {
// type assert parameter into our response type
randomResponse := (...)

// set the new value
randomResponse.A = (...)

// run the default
return true, nil, nil

custom_hooks.go contains several examples of such hooks: pre, post, with and without running the default logic.

After implementing the hook we have to register it inside the factory.

case "/eth/v1/beacon/random/{block_id}":
endpoint.GetResponse = &randomResponseJson{}
endpoint.RequestQueryParams = []apimiddleware.QueryParam{{Name: "nonce"}}
endpoint.Hooks = apimiddleware.HookCollection{
OnPreSerializeMiddlewareResponseIntoJson: prepareA,

That's it!

A few more things to consider

The example above did not cover everything that is possible with the library. There are some other things that may be of interest when creating a new Endpoint:

  • Currently only a few hooks are possible to implement. This is to prevent the HookCollection from having a lot of fields with most of them never used. If you need a new pre or post hook, either create a new wrapped version of the middleware function (in case it has no hooks yet) or amend the existing wrapped function (in case it already has either a pre or post hook). See (...)Wrapped in api_middleware.go for examples.
  • Instead of implementing single hooks we can replace the whole response/request with one or more custom handlers, which we register in the factory. See custom_handlers.go for examples. This may be tricky to get right, but essentially allows to manipulate the request in any desirable way.
  • ProcessRequestContainerFields, ProcessMiddlewareResponseFields and process_field.go are responsible for field translations e.g. hex to base64 and vice versa. If you need to process a field in a new way, you will need to register the struct tag and the processing function in one of the aforementioned functions. Notice that this is a global change, but it does not matter as long as you use a new tag. Because none of the existing structs contain this tag, their fields will not be processed in this new way.