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Keymanager APIs

Agora-cl supports the official Keymanager APIs, a REST API spec for validator clients to provide an alternative to CLI commands for onboarding and offboarding their validator keys on the consensus client.

All Agora-cl Validator Client APIs require the use of the --web flag.

Please refer to the "local keystores APIs" to manage locally stored validator keys.

Please refer to the "remote keystores APIs" to manage public key settings for Web3Signer; go to our Web3Signer docs page for more information. Agora-cl Web UI does not currently support this API.


A JWT token ( found on the second line of the auth-token file) will be generated in the agora-cl default wallet directory otherwise defined by --wallet-dir flag. the token will also be printed in the console:

[2022-04-15 14:07:39]  INFO rpc:

The token needs to be copied and set in the header of the API request:

Authorization: `Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.e30.ck3J6tcvHcI74IiFjyJqcBH-MmNAq-fMr0ncyZkGvFM`

Other Agora-cl specific errors and usecases

Agora-cl comes with some client specific edge cases and usages. These cases will be documented on the Keymanager API repos under flows.