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Import keys into a Agora-cl wallet


You can import existing EIP-2335 keystore files (such as those generated by the agora-deposit-cli) into Agora-cl. Importing your own keys is a recommended security best practice because it allows you to create a mnemonic (and derived validator keys) using software that you choose. This makes it easy for you to keep your sensitive mnemonic phrase physically isolated away from your validator machine.

Validator private keys are encrypted with a strong wallet password using the EIP-2335 keystore.json standard. Your keystore.json file is usually available in your wallet's directory, often labeled all-accounts.keystore.json:


Your password to unlock this file is not stored on disk by Agora-cl, but you will need to provide it whenever you run the validator.


Running Windows?

The commands in this document use, a convenient script built for Linux and MacOS environments. Replace with agora.bat if you're on Windows.

Wallet creation

A non-HD wallet is the most basic sort of wallet, storing all information on-disk. This approach makes it trivial to import, export and list all associated accounts within the wallet. To start using the non-HD wallet, you can create a new wallet using:

./ validator wallet create <folder>

Then select non-HD wallet when prompted. You can also create a wallet non-interactively by using the following command line flags, which are also viewable by typing `./ validator wallet create --help.


You'll need to set a strong password for your wallet, containing at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 number, a special character, and be at least 8 characters long. Any unicode characters can be used for passwords.

Import validator accounts

You can import validator keystores from a separate folder into your wallet with the following command

./ validator accounts import <folder>

This will import all files that are valid EIP-2335 keystores, such as those generated by the official eth2 deposit launchpad's command-line tool. The files you are importing must have the prefix keystore-.

List validator accounts

You can list all validator accounts in your non-HD wallet using the following command

./ validator accounts list

Where you'll see the following output

INFO accounts: (wallet path) /Users/johndoe/Library/AgoraValidators/agora-cl-wallet-v2

Showing **1** validator account

[public key] 0x971d780edfe98743f41cdcdba8521548fc343ffcd958e90968c4f1cc5a2e9b6ea11a984397c34c6cc13e9d4e8d14ce1e
[created at] 16 minutes ago

Backup validator accounts

Be very careful using validator account backups!

If you have made a validator account backup and plan to use it on a different instance, please confirm that you do not run multiple instances of the same validator twice. This will result in slashing and major loss of user funds.

You can backup validator accounts from your imported wallet using the following command.

./ validator accounts backup <folder>